Cracks in Interior Walls

Cracks in walls are a frequently encountered phenomenon that can give homeowners a sense of unease. Whether in newly constructed dwellings or longstanding residences, these fissures can vary in size, appearance, and significance. It’s essential to comprehend the underlying causes of cracks, accurately evaluate their potential implications, and learn the appropriate steps to address them effectively.

From vertical cracks in walls to other manifestations like cracks in house walls, these indicators can be attributed to a variety of factors. Among these factors, foundation settlement stands out as a primary contributor. The gradual shifting and adjusting of a building’s foundation due to natural soil movements can gradually result in cracks. Moisture fluctuations also play a pivotal role, particularly in regions with varying climatic conditions. As materials like concrete expand and contract in response to moisture changes, cracks can emerge over time. Furthermore, temperature shifts, especially in regions with extreme weather patterns, can exert stress on walls, eventually leading to the formation of cracks. Lastly, the quality of initial construction is a key determinant; compromised building materials or suboptimal construction methods can contribute to cracks in the long run.

Crack in the wall of a home

Vertical cracks in walls and other types of cracks in house walls can be attributed to various factors, including:

  1. Foundation Settlement: Shifting and settling of the foundation due to soil movement can lead to cracks.
  2. Moisture Changes: Fluctuations in moisture levels can cause materials like concrete to expand and contract, resulting in cracks.
  3. Temperature Variations: Extreme temperature changes can stress walls and contribute to cracking.
  4. Poor Construction: Inferior building materials or improper construction techniques can lead to cracks over time.

 Identifying the severity of cracks is essential to determine whether professional intervention is required. Here’s how you can assess cracks:

  1. Size and Width: Measure the width of the crack. Cracks less than 1/8 inch wide are often considered minor.
  2. Location: Cracks around doors, windows, and corners are common due to settling. Cracks running vertically or diagonally might be more concerning.
  3. Movement: Monitor whether the crack is stable or widening over time. Dynamic cracks might indicate ongoing issues.
  4. Interior and Exterior Inspection: Check both the interior and exterior sides of the wall for a comprehensive assessment.

Addressing cracks in walls requires different approaches depending on their severity:

  1. Minor Cracks: Hairline cracks and small cracks that are stable can often be repaired using flexible filler or caulk.
  2. Moderate Cracks: Wider cracks might need patching with a stronger material and reinforcement.
  3. Serious Cracks: If a crack indicates a larger structural issue, it’s best to consult professionals to assess the extent of the problem and provide appropriate solutions.

Cracks in walls are a common occurrence, but not all cracks are equal. Regular inspection and understanding the underlying causes can help you determine whether a crack is harmless or needs immediate attention. For significant cracks, consulting experts is the best way to ensure your home’s safety and structural integrity.

If you’re facing issues with cracks in your walls or need professional assistance, contact us at Goldenbay Foundation Builders. We specialize in identifying and resolving structural problems to ensure the longevity of your home.